
Throughout my career I have been fortunate enough to work on a variety of engaging projects. Below I hope to provide a overview and description of some of them.

Open Vision Portable X-Ray Device

The OvenVison scanner is used for inspecting the insides of pipes and for security purposes like monitoring unmarked luggage in an airport. 

I Worked on designing and fabricating a custom cable harness for the openvison device that would automatically fire x-rays at a given interval

Thermal Characterization

For thermal characterization I wrote multiple python scripts to communicate with thermal stream, power supply, and multiple multimeters through GPIB.

I was also required to design multiple test boards according to JEDEC standards using Altium PCB Designer for us to solder the SSRs to.

Smart Sense Vacuum

The Smart Sense PCB used a pressure sensor and an accelerometer to remove the need for connecting wires between the On switch and brush roll of a Shark Vacuum. 

For this project I was involved in almost every step  of the prototype process from designing the schematic and PCB layout then fabricating, programming and testing the completed boards.

Rectified AC Signal Wave PCB

This board was used to rectify a continuous AC voltage signal to work in conjunction with a comparator. The comparator was used to take the peak rectified signal and create a trigger pulse at the peak.

I was involved with building and designing the board as well as further modifications to it to improve functionality


The CPC1056 is a optically isolated Solid State Relay developed by Litttelfuse

I was appointed as the technical lead for this project putting me in charge of the project timeline and characterization for the part to determine and validate datasheet specifications.